Monday, May 4, 2009

Manohara Odelia Pinot say "Help Me..."

manohara odelia pinot had take a picture on playboy party hahahahaha...

foto Manohara Odelia Pinot disiletfoto model Manohara Odelia PinotManohara Odelia Pinot dikawinManohara Odelia Pinot foto model abgManohara Odelia Pinot underfoto hot Manohara Odelia Pinotfoto seksi Manohara Odelia Pinot

Manohara Odelia Pinot (born at Jakarta, Indonesia, 28 February 1992; age 17 years) was a model of Indonesia. Manohara has a mixture of blood and Bugis France, India and Indonesia remain berkewarganegaraan. Manohara dipersunting by origin Kingdom Kelantan prince, called West Malaysia Tengku Muhammad Fakhry on 26 August 2008.

Manohara Odelia Pinot (7).jpgManohara Odelia Pinot (9).jpg
Manohara Odelia Pinot (10).jpgManohara Odelia Pinot (11).jpgManohara Odelia Pinot (14).jpgManohara Odelia Pinot (15).jpgManohara Odelia Pinot (16).jpgManohara Odelia Pinot (12).jpg
Born of French parents , Reiner Pinot Noack and patrician Bugis, Daisy Fajarina. Manohara is a model. At the age that is still young, but he became one of the 100 Pesona Indonesia by Harper's Bazaar magazine. and more gossip expose manohara with "foto bugil", anda "Foto bikini" but its Nothing.
Manohara Odelia Pinot (13).jpgSheza Idris Pesta Striptease Pesta Striptease Sheza Idrisfoto Sheza IdrisSheza Idris Stripteasefoto sexy Sheza Idris

manohara odelia pinot had take a picture with dian sastro

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